A21 - Labienhecha


A21 asociación contra la trata de personas


A21 is a non-profit organization that combats trafficking in persons. Its mission is to abolish slavery everywhere, forever. That is exactly the slogan shown on the special limited edition Lolas that we made with all our heart.

A21 combats data as hard as:

  • 12 million people in 160 countries are victims of trafficking. 62% are victims of sexual exploitation, among which 80% are women and 12% are girls.
  • Women and girls represent about 80% of identified victims. Child trafficking is between 15% and 20%
  • In Spain, human trafficking moves around 5 million euros per day; in Europe, more than 2000 million; worldwide, it amounts to almost 30000 millions. 

Labienhecha is a project that not only commits to show transparency regarding its materials and production, we are also committed to assure a decent job to all the people who work of collaborate with us.

We are really happy to know that the sale of something that comes from our modest workshop contributes to such a big and important cause like getting freedom for every human being on the planet.

And it’s not just that. We all know that tragedies happen all over the world, but sometimes we forget about them because they don’t hit home, or because we cannot focus on every cause to the same extent. The solution is to keep spreading problems that are not seen at first sight. We wish we had been able to do our bit in that sense.

Lasbienhechas want to say THANK YOU to @a21spain for trusting us and giving us the chance of making a little contribution. 

On October 19th, A21 organizes Walk for Freedom, “a silent walk in single file through the central streets of the city with the aim of drawing the attention of as much people as possible and raising awareness against human trafficking in our country”, in words of Loida Muñoz, national director of A21 Spain. Our Lolas were available in Madrid and Barcelona that day.

Do not hesitate to take a look on the website of A21 to learn more about the Project and, from here, we encourage you to make a little contribution, however small.

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