Today is an important day for Labienhecha. Today we close the door of our house, of our home. That one where a project is born and done, as if it were your own life.
And I wonder: How is it possible to love a place that much?
The true is that I cannot help but write these words with some tears in my eyes. If these walls talked and remembered myself in every moment, I’m sure that they would laugh and cry at the same time!
So many things have happened at Labienhecha of El Palo that I wouldn’t where to star from. Since the very first day until today, everything has been a roller coaster of emotions (the strong ones). Many things stay here. All that we are today stays here. And we take the good and the best things from here.
We’ll never forget those rays of sun that came through the window, that crazy small room, that bunch of leftovers, those thread in the floor that meant a sure fall, those Fridays of flamenco (and roast chicken), those improvised birthdays, the races up and down, the craziness of loading and unloading, the long nights, the moments of “the rolls are here” and the hot summers. But, with no doubt, what we take from this home are the infinite laughs, millions of hours of good work, and another thousands of experiences and a team of bienhechas that couldn’t be better. We take a project that has turned on a way of life.
And, as life itself, sometimes we need to make the kind of decisions that keep you up at night. Who would tell us that this moment would come?
For us, so far this year has been very hard on the emotional level and about making decisions. Everything has come together; everything has been strong. And the decision of leaving our house has been probably one of the most difficult in the last time.
Nobody expected to live a global pandemic, for sure. And that has made us to go back about many things and be brave about other things. We’ve had to think a lot, to do the math, to work double time and, above all, we needed to find solutions for this situation that surrounds us and affect specially the smallest ones.We needed to prioritize. We needed to make our best to save our project. To keep creating. To keep growing.
Here it is where I find the answer: yes, you can love a place that much. But you can love even more a project. And, when you really love, you do whatever you have to do to achieve well-being, to give love and weather the storms.
It’s very difficult for us to close this door. As our Tania would say: “it pains us to leave”. Or in words of our Cris: “Labienhecha of El Palo is important for us because we don’t know any other place, we’ve all started here”.
We feel like leaving that lifelong house. And every box we’ve made these days has inside the doubt of knowing if we’re making the right decision (or not).
Hopefully, this is when our Marta, the one who always holds this project tight and carries her positivity to relieve any doubt, comes and says “we do it for Labienhecha. Everything is gonna be alright”.
And it’s always like that, because no one in the team doubts when we have to do anything in order to make things easier and better for Labienhecha.
Then, when I think about the love that all of us feel for this, I look confident straight ahead. And when I think about the effort that we still have to do for going out through this, I feel myself full of hope and I think that the best is yet to come. I think that all our work, our attitude, our hope and our bond will make us stronger.
Labienhecha has to move forward. With the double of love and work. And with the best team of the world.
Sometimes no matter where or when. Now, the important thing for us is what, how and with who.
El Palo will always be our house, where we were born, the real one. And today we close this door to open a new era in which we’ll be the same, we’ll keep improving every day, we’ll keep being so excited with all those things Labienhecha gives us and in which we’ll keep betting big for this project.
For all those bag things we’ve suffered during this time because of pandemic, we’ve taken many good things.
This is one of them.
From today, our workshop in Calle Villafuerte 26 will be close. We move to Calle Eslovenia 14. We’ll update soon all the information.
We take the opportunity to thank you for many things. You’ve shown empathy, comprehension, patience and so much love these last weeks.
We want you to know that we’ve also thought about you to make this decision. We want to give you the best. We want to improve in many things. And we’re going to do it.
Thank you from our heart.
Important notices:
We’ve worked so hard to prepare all the orders and we’ve finally caught up with everything in this new normality. Orders placed during the weekend or Monday and Tuesday, will be shipped from Wednesday (we’ll keep you updated individually anyway).
You ask us a lot about Labienhecha of the city center. We can’t open there for the moment. Sometimes things are more complicated than they seem to be. We wish we’ll be able to open soon. We’re on it, even if we can’t assure nothing yet. We’ll keep you updated!
Me emociona leerlas, pero más me emociona ver la fuerza, el trabajo y las ganas que ponéis en este proyecto. Os han aparecido muchas piedras en el camino, hasta una pandemia😱, y ahi seguís, fuertes, luchadoras, empáticas. Un privilegio verlas crecer, por la responsabilidad y el esfuerzo que le ponéis a todo.
Os merecéis, solo cosas bonitas.
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