We couldn't wait to tell you more about this story between Okuda San Miguel and Labienhecha...This collaboration has been a real madness and a design and color revolution in our workshop.
When Okuda San Miguel and his team from Ink and Movement let us know the idea of making a small bag for their new sunglasses brand, Kromatike, we couldn't believe it.
Well...The first idea was to make a case for his new sunglasses, made with Finish birch by the team of Nina Mur, but given that at Labienhecha we never settle for anything and at Okuda's studio creativity is always on fire, we went further and develop the idea of a multifunctional case/bag.
And then...the challenge started!
We had to rise creativity to its most and multiply by a thousand the desire of facing this challenge...(creativity + desire = the perfect formula to create wonders like that).
Okuda is an artist we really admire...He's internationally know for his colorful and geometric work. Of course, Okuda would not settle for a borgin and monochromatic design.
We started to make thousand tests until we reached a design that completely matched his style and still had our hallmark.
We got a gorgeous design thanks to our recycled leather (with the risky bet on the fluor color) and we started to add some details like, for instance, the chains that the team of Ink and Movement designed in its own studio. These details are the cherry on the cake for this case-bag to become a real color explosion.
The final colors we've used have been the pink fluor (with a fluor yellow chain) and the white (with a multicolor chain) that perfectly matched with his two sunglasses designs, Rainbow and Fluor.
It's been a difficult process. We've spent many hours prototyping, testing and making decisions for this design, but as usual, we get so excited when we see these kind of projects moving forward.
The result has been a handbag, case, crossbody bag... Versatility is endless when you combine it with the chains.
You can wear it the way you want and wherever you want. And that's what we love the most.
Here you can see some pictures of the whole process so you can enjoy it as much as we did.
We take advantage to thank you to Okuda and his team from Ink and Movement because of their trust on us. It's been an incredible experience.
We also want to say THANK YOU for being at the other side giving us your support.
We couldn't make such cool collaborations without you. ❤️

Me encanta, quería conseguir uno.gracias
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